The Pentagon documents may reveal the chilling of the “deep state” fear of the launch of John F. Kennedy.

A 12 -page report, signed by Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, explains a secret plan to commit outbreaks against American citizens to justify the war with Cuba in the 1960s.

Operations called Northwoods, this supreme secret conspiracy suggested the age of terrorism on American cities in what is known as the “wrong science process”, before blame Cuba for deceiving Americans in Support war efforts to overthrow communism Fidel Castro.

“We can develop a communist Cuban terrorist campaign in the Miami region, in other cities of Florida and even in Washington,” the document states, among dozens of other violent ideas on how to incite American hostility against the island’s nation.

Even US officials have suggested killing their soldiers, and they write: “We can detonate an American ship in the Gulf of Guantanamo and blame Cuba”, and “lists of victims in American newspapers will lead to a useful wave of national discontent.”

JFK rejected Northwoods when he encountered his office and was shot.

A conspiracy theory surrounding JFK assassination allegations that he was killed by Israel, which is claiming to control the American “deep state”.

Now, President Donald Trump promised to issue all classified documents related to JFK assassination, which may lead to more horrific disclosure on the activities of the United States government during the 1960s.

A code called “Northwood Operation”, this U.S. Supreme Military conspiracy suggested killing innocent people and raising terrorism on American cities, then blame Cuba for these crimes

Trump sees “the deep state” as “an alleged mysterious group of who, according to many, possess an unjustified influence over government policies, regardless of the elected administration.”

He pledged to “deplete the quagmire”, and it is expected that the intelligence community, which is believed to have worked to remove it from the White House as part of the “deep state” operation.

Northwoods’s proposal was formulated as part of a larger document entitled “The justification of the American military intervention in Cuba

The Ministry of Defense (DOD) and JCS wrote this secret group of secrecy by the Ministry of Defense (DOD), and was submitted to the then Defense Minister Robert McKinara in 1962. But the company was lifted from the document at the CIA library.

“A series of coordinated accidents will be planned well in Guantanamo and around them to give a real appearance to his backward by hostile Cuban forces,” the document says.

“The following parts provide” incidents to create a reliable attack (not in chronological order). ”

The plan included everything, starting from the start of rumors to “the officially friendly Cuban decline to the acts of actions on military bases and the bombing of ammunition inside the facilities.

The list also included a “burning aircraft burning on the air base” and sinking a ship near the port entrance to an unlimited rule and then “funeral behavior for fake phones”.

The aim of this plan was to deceive the American audience and the international community to support a war effort to overthrow the leader of Cuba, Communist Fidel Castro

The aim of this plan was to deceive the American audience and the international community to support a war effort to overthrow the leader of Cuba, Communist Fidel Castro

The Dwit de Ezenhauer administration has developed a plan to overthrow the Estro known as the invasion of the Gulf of Pigs, which was implemented in 1961 by Khalaf Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy

The Dwit de Ezenhauer administration has developed a plan to overthrow the Estro known as the invasion of the Gulf of Pigs, which was implemented in 1961 by Khalaf Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy

‘[The] The United States will respond by carrying out offensive operations to secure water and energy supplies, and to destroy artillery and mortars that threaten al -Qaeda, as the document describes.

Northwoods did not come until a full version of the online document was published in 2001.

Fidel Castro rose to power and became Prime Minister of Cuba in 1959 and transformed the nation into the first communist state in the Western hemisphere.

In the early days of his administration, he strengthened Cuban relations with the Soviet Union, and the creation of commercial deals between their countries.

The invasion of the Gulf of pigs failed, and in 1962 the Cuban missile crisis began. A year later, President John F. was assassinated. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas

The invasion of the Gulf of pigs failed, and in 1962 the Cuban missile crisis began. A year later, President John F. was assassinated. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas

At the same time, Castro Cuban relations with the United States were strained through difficult capitalism and raising taxes on American imports.

At that time, the United States led President Dwight de Ezenhower, whose administration has developed a plan to overthrow the Estro.

This plan, known as the invasion of the Bay of the pigs, was implemented in 1961 by the Eisenhower Khalifa, JFK.

He published a brigade of 1,400 CEA Cuban exile to topple the Communist government in Castro, but the invasion failed.

In 1962, the Soviet Union began charging ballistic missiles to Cuba in an attempt to strengthen their relations and protect the island of the island from the United States. This is known as the Cuban missile crisis.

This determination to manage Kennedy to overthrow the Communist Cuban government.

The United States continued to perform secret operations against Cuba through the MongoSe operation, a secret initiative for the CIA to remove Castro from energy.

The Northwoods process has been developed as part of this initiative.

This horrific document was kept nearly 40 years ago until it was issued by the JFK Assassination Records as part of 1521 pages of previously classified military records that cover 1962 to 1964.


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