Physics with Atlas Cooperation In Cern’s Large Hadron Collider, the first note of VVZ production – a rare mixture of three huge bonus.

It happened from three Piuson devices recorded by Atlas, with one of the Boson decomposing to electron and neutrino, one of the Boson decomposes to Moon and Neutrino, and Boson Z decomposes to two MUONS; MUONS is displayed by red lines, electron with a green line, and the “lost energy” of the neutrino by intermittent white line. Credit image: Atlas / Seren.

As weak power holders, W bosons and Z are essential for the standard model of particle physics.

Micro -measurements of multi -Boson production operations provide an excellent test for the standard model and can shed light on new physics phenomena.

“The production of three Bosons Three Vector (V) is a very rare operation in LHC,” said Dr. Fabio Kiruti, Physics Coordinator at Atlas.

“Its measurement provides information about the interactions between multiple bosons, which are associated with the basic similar similarities of the standard model.”

“This is a powerful tool for detecting new physics phenomena, such as new, non -discovered molecules that cannot be produced directly in LHC.”

The ATLAS team noted VVZ production of a statistical importance of 6.4 standard deviations, bypassing the five standard deviation threshold needed to demand monitoring.

The note extends to the previous results of ATLAS and CMS cooperation, including the monitoring of VVV production by CMS and WWW production monitoring by ATLAS.

Since some of the most well -known particles, W and Z can slope in countless different ways.

In the new study, physicists in the Atlas focused on seven channels of decomposition with the highest discovery capabilities.

These channels are more improved using a machine learning technology called reinforced decision -making trees, while training algorithms on each channel to determine the required signal.

By combining decomposition channels, researchers managed to monitor VVZ production and place restrictions on contributions from new physics phenomena.

They said: “The resulting limits emphasize the validity of the standard model and are in line with the previous results on the production of three vector bungers.”

“While analyzing the larger data groups of the third round of the upcoming LHC and HL-LHC, we will improve our production measurements for three movements-by deepening our understanding of these basic particles and their role in the universe.”

team results It will be published in magazine Physics messages b.


Atlas Cooperation. 2025. Note VVZ production in S position = 13 TeV with Atlas. physics. Lett. forIn the press; Arxiv: 2412.15123


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