If you’re like me, you’ve probably indulged in a bit of late-night revenge bedtime procrastination.
Fortunately for our fellow surfers, it turns out that blue light from our phones may not be harming our sleep as much as we thought – but unfortunately, professionals still recommend setting a decent bedtime.
In a Tik Tok video, Dr. Karan RajKnown for sharing his medical knowledge via the app, he said that while there is no one-size-fits-all rule for sleep, there are some unusually bad times to sleep.
partner video Which stated that staying awake from 10 pm to 4 am can increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
He replied: “The time you choose to go to bed can actually affect the quality of your sleep, but it is more subtle than this video suggests.”
We sleep in 90-minute cycles
The doctor He pointed out Our sleep occurs in cycles of about an hour and a half, during which “your brain switches from non-rapid eye movement.” [REM] to [REM] “He sleeps.”
While the cycles last for 90 minutes or so, the ratio of NREM to REM sleep changes as the night goes on. “The first part of your sleep is dominated by deeper, more restorative non-REM sleep.” He said.
But as we approach morning, “we get more light, dream-filled rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.”
Due to different body clocks, some will feel sleepy at 11pm while others will only want to sleep at 1am. Depending on your condition, “there will be some adaptation by the body to ensure you get enough REM and non-REM sleep,” Dr. Raj said.
So, as long as you have a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, you should be healthy, the doctor said. Unless you choose a specific time to sleep, that is…
What is the worst time to sleep?
“It doesn’t really matter what exact time you go to bed… with caution,” says Dr. Raj.
“Let’s say, for example, you go to bed at 3 or 4 a.m.,” he said. “Regardless of your biology, your sleep will be more REM-heavy, and you will have less deeper, non-REM sleep.”
If you’re wondering what effect this could have, the doctor shared that “this can make you feel groggy and tired – which is why it’s so annoying to be a shift worker with poor sleep patterns.”
However, if there is a choice, those who can should avoid sleeping at 3-4 am. Looks like I’ll have to give myself a tougher late night conversation with…