Four astronauts are preparing to launch the International Space Station on Wednesday. In the end, their arrival will start the process of bringing NASA Sony Williams and Poch Wilmor to Earth.
Williams and Wilmmore have been the focus of the public since they were launched on the first test of the Starlener vehicle from Starlener in June. Although the plan called them to stay at the space station for about a week, they now spent nine months in orbit.
Boeing capsule, which the husband called many problems on her trip to ISS, including functional breakdowns and a decrease in payment. So NASA chose to return Starliner to the ground without anyone on the plane, leaving astronauts at the location of the orbit.
NASA then replaced the crew courses around it to free the seats on the Spacex Dragon capsule William and Wilmmore enabled to return home.
This capsule arrived at the space station on September 29, which carries NASA astronaut Nick The Hague and Roscosmos in Alexander Gorbonov. The plan invites Wilmor and Williams to ride them at the end of their mission for about six months.
That time approaches as the new crew is ready for launch. On Wednesday, NASA AN McLean, Nicole Aires, Japanese astronaut Takoya Unishi and Russian astronauts Kirill Peskov. They are expected to ride to the Madar Road on the Spacex Falcon 9 on a mission known as Crew-10.
Bay is scheduled to take off at 7:48 pm East time from the Kennedy Space Center in NASA in Florida.
Crew-10 astronauts are scheduled to arrive at the space station on Thursday, and at about 6 am. From there, they will take over from the four who conclude.