IWhat appears to be as if it is still from the Nuer movie, male deer beetles collide against a dark decline, in the depths of oak forests in the Foreonz region of Russia. Their population is revealed for domination, and for the opportunity to beat her near colleague, during the short summer period when these insects appear from growth to reproduce.
Photographer Svetlana Evanino says she has traveled more than 400 miles to pick up this intimate scene. Her image won the “Insect” category in A photographer near the year a race.
The epic skirmishes between the deer beetles are well documented, partly due to the fact that this behavior culminates in the life of the deer beetle.
Insects Spend Somewhere between three and six years underground as karaft, it feeds on dead wooden materials and strengthening the fat stores that they maintain through adulthood. The warmer temperatures in the summer months raises the fully cultivated beetle larvae to form cocoons and ultimately turn into their adult shape. Ripeness TransientHowever, it lasts long enough to find beetles and fight for a companion.
Employed skirmishes on their colleagues are the last act of the life of the short adults of the deer.
They remember this because their huge jaws resemble the deer, and these beetles are oscillated, beaten, and their accessories to remove Competition Males and access to nearby female beetles. The size of the beetle and the jaw is largely reliant On the quality and amount of feeding it absorbs as larvae.
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You may think that the largest lower jaw and the largest body will give the beetle a male feature in the battle, and this is the case often. After nature Ticket It was published in October that, although the large beetles that were better in ritual wild battles, the smaller European deer beetles turned into alternative mating technology that prefers the lightness of superior movement and the power of the wing: mating in the middle of the trip.
Dozens of beetle battles in the death of the night-when they are more sexual activity-weed scientists documented the first known case of the smaller male beetles that fly and accommodate females in the air, and avoid the famous earthly battles that played in the winning Evanco shot.
As always in nature, the engagement is a risky endeavor, and requires an edge and dose of perseverance.
The leading image: Lucanus Cervus for dominance; Foreonz region, Russia.
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