Every past year the community has been offering one prediction for 2022 on this most favored area at the same time. This is the reason behind the progress of the world and around them Konsens & Nonsens Podcast:
No need to have ETH 2.0
Tether’s end of 2022 is no more than the number 1 stablecoin of the market cap itself
IOTA is hype phase (through narrative shift)
25% of the entire ETH has been acquired
The NFT Gaming Book is out for the summer, because it’s just Crash
Kein ETH > BTC Flippening, trans nah dran
The Kraken performs ultimate lightning
It’s a Megahype take on Crypto from the big Game Studio
There is still Bitcoin Land, and it is issued via Bitcoin Bond EBB1
Reviving decentralized finance
9 out of 10 coins in the top 10 (stablecoins) within smart contract platforms
Here are the news from the Telegram and Twitter community
minute. There are other countries that offer Bitcoin as a “legal investor”.
1 Bitcoin > $150,000 USD
Lightning functionality works even more
BOLT12 was developed by fully implementing integration and not questioning LN more control arguments
ig, telegram
Bitcoin toppay california. 180 thousand Australians
More states accepting Bitcoin als zugelassenes Zahlungsmittel (not legal tender)
ETFs are created for ETH futures
ETH can be flipped at ca. 0,2 Bitcoin
Weiterhin kein Spot ETF for BTC in the United States of America
Grayscale disappears at SEC
The European Union bans mining vor
Bärenmarkt began with a 60% collapse.
Large rental lines start with the accumulation of BTC and ETH
European Union zieht Mining Bann Gesetzesentwurf zurück
Kraken Lightning is a complete game
IOTA Coordicide will start in 2023
The code will be used in large topics
@G_Mickey, Telegram
ETH 2.0 started like this
ETH Flippt BTC
The NFTs will be released with Kleidungstücken through the Hersteller sale and widely adopted
BTC bleib weiterhin in top 10
BTC bekommt negative Presse durch Öko-Regierungen, welche btc-Besteuerung erhöhen (Energy waste)
ENS-Domains are available for use
Cardano was not created by Erwartungen in Bereich SC and it could not have been more interesting than ever with Konkurrenz
Iota eskaliert money
@AlphaCenurio, Telegram
You’ll start off with some time so you can expand on everything you need, need to learn or learn by focusing on the essential things
The beginning begins with the learning cycle 😀
@Newby, Telegram
It fell out of the top 10
Comet root in top 25
BTC Blipit Wetterhein Top 100
@mistah1234, Telegram
Ich machine die Prognose, dass Hex Ende 2022 at a price of less than 0,03 euros.
@basti8787, Telegram
Best Auctions (IRL) does not use NFTs in its criteria
Mindset 2 You can use this machine to create an NFT account
DeFi erlebt einen harten Schlag: Regulators need more consolidation
Rene predicted the death of Jaher “nicht alles” richtig 😉
Konsens & Nonsens Telegram Gruppe knackt die 1000 members
der DFI token schafft die way to 50 nights
Pulsechain was launched and brought a huge range of Shitcoins to the market
Bitboy kauft sich einen 2. Lambo
Stan Lee is only a few celebrities away from, as NFTs are popularized
DOT überholt XRP from Marketcap
Sailor is the last generation BTC yielder
IOTA does not join ATH vom Dez. 2017 ran (in US$ + inflation adjustment)
One of the top 10 exchanges is issued by Bildfläche
Sebastian, telegram
BTC price is less than 100 thousand US dollars
El Salvador Schilt ETH
ein Asiatisches Land macht BTC zum legal tender
BTC Spot ETF is not based in the USA
Eine deutsche Bank macht TV- Werbung zum Anlegen in BTC
@da_renna wird neuer Co-Host in Konsens&Nonsens Podcas
@Culhwch, Telegram
I predict übrigenspulchain > avax, ftm and co for 2022
@mazamaze1, Telegram
Eth Flipt PTC
Davor Flipt for Minds 24 Hours One of the Moral Killer (Sol, Ada, Luna, Soas) and himself
Bitcoin earned $100,000 in the first of these years
Markus Torm excels in trading with all his partners from Misserfolge aus
@the_modern_ronin, Telegram
-Chivo implements Ersten Shitcoin
-Lightning Netzwerk earned 10,000 bitcoins
-Reflects on 10 DeFi hacks
-IOTA wird noch keinen Coordicide (kA das eigentlich ist) exists@BTC21de, Goku, Telegram
When ETH BTC is volatile, it is still available
@Blocktrainer sent Markus Lanz one of the people talking about paper viruses.
Ok, there are no such things:
– Iota pesticide
– DAO is free to use NFT/ICO Hype
– Metavers soorgt für Mainstream Adoption in der Spielewelt
– Ethereum Flip Bitcoin
– IOTA enters the top ten
– Holger became interested in IOTA– Iota Vrom (@Vrom14286662) December 1, 2021
– Kein🐬 and wenn doch, which is not sustainable like ETH/BTC on January 18
– ETH 2.0 integration wird erfolgreich durchgeführt
– The cumulative TVL is much clearer (in ETH), and the user experience is much better
– Bärenmarkt🐻(50% decline), also before the Germany round 18/19– Lukas Kirchbaumer (@LKirchbaumer) December 1, 2021
– Monastery @Block Trainer If there is any problem in this area, then it will be possible to use it again. #Ethereum There is no fraud 🤣
– This should serve as a set of Schadenersatzumme for all ether holders in German, we need to buy ether independently– Lukas Kirchbaumer (@LKirchbaumer) December 1, 2021
Waitress Bitcoin Land?
minute. 1 (Schatz Sudamerica)> 100 thousand?
What is the market price for Corona virus? Schätze 75k drink sin.Flipping?
no!IOTA Coordicicide?
Faraj Hans.Barenmarkt?
It is not directed directly to bee flows during Wirtschaft-/Finanzmarkt and COVID— Krypto Eule (@EuleKrypto) December 2, 2021
– Ethereum 2.0 updated to version 2023
– Steuerliche Haltefrist was created after 10 years of experience (Germany)
– “Katzen Coins” überrenen Hunde-Meme-Coins
– An African country provides a Bitcoin balance sheet– Loddi (@18loddi) December 2, 2021
– There is no Lightning app @krakenfx
-Tesla wieder Zahlungen in Bitcoin akzeptieren
– The rainbow path is displayed through the Rainbowchart version
– Adjust your final knot, before restoring the lust-less balanceThe Punkt 4 is a great piece
– Sebastian (@sutterseba) December 1, 2021
Trading USD in Lightning-Channels is a lock on Bitcoins as is the Marketcap of IOTA.
— Steve ⚡️ (@_steff_____) December 1, 2021
– More Bitcoin Land
– New ATH uber $150k
– FANG Designs Bitcoin Purchasing
– 21 thousand Bitcoins in the Lightning Netzwerk network
– Close the knot again– The final is not Mabiot Devasi (@smxbtkmaxy) December 1, 2021
1. Bitcoin can use 120k Widerstand rum.
2. Bitcoin wird is in legal tender across the country. (Argentina, Panama, 2x Africa).
3. Recharge the part at the end of the CMC.
4. Btc wird im S2F backerher schwanken
– Lex Crypt (@Lex_Crypt0) December 3, 2021
Erestmal zu dieneen fraggen:
1. Whitiri Bitcoin Land – Ga
2. > 100 thousand – c
3. Flipping – Ja (wild :D)
4. Iota-Nin pesticide
5. Barnmarket – Yes, passing punktuell
6. Gaming and Metaverse Decline (Q1)
7. The first AAA studio with an NFT game
8. Summer of Games 2022
9. Top 10 Bitcoin companies— Bitcoin2Go (@bitcoin2go) December 1, 2021
– The best IOTA noch ADA must be related to tokens/smart contracts (it wasn’t in the top 20, in fact it wasn’t in the top 50)
– Lightning tokens/Lightning assets will be acquired (via RGB/omni oder ähnliches)
– The project challenge werden einmal im Monat im 9 stelligen Betrag gehackt
– Joe Park 🐉 (@hydrapark2020) December 2, 2021
2022 forecast:
Bitcoin > $150k
2+ more specific states
ETH responded geflippt
Kein Bärenmarkt (no greater than -50%)– Assistant🥕🐇 (@derHelper) December 1, 2021
-Elon walks away from Dougie
– Cardano Roacht under Rang30 from Coinmarketcap
– Tesla können Wieder with #Bitcoin We are here to help you
– Think about your stay from Beispiel von El Salvador
– #Bitcoin steigt erstmalig über 110k— Danny • Orange Relation 🎥🎙 (@OrangeRelation) December 1, 2021
1. The mind. They are located in El Salvador
2. Bitcoin worth $120,000, and Monero $1,000
3. Amazon’s investment in Bitcoin
4. NFTs fell in 2020
5. Barnmarket (more than -50%)— Cenan 🦅 (@cenan_ku) December 2, 2021
– ATH more than $200,000/of more than $100,000
– New exchange führt KYC and proof of funds for Fiatpaare eine, Exchange Token brechen ein
– RUNE is also BNB
– All Lightning wallets in El Salvador are published through Chivo on Google Playstore
– Dash with BTCATH– Asas Hasher (@DuffieldSatoshi) December 1, 2021