The Hollywood star and activist Democratic Party, George Clooney, is finally opened from Joe Biden, the candidate approved by the president in 2024, and now accuses the news media of failing to report the truth about Biden’s mental state.
Clooney was one of the first major figures in Hollywood to call for Biden to get the race to the president in 2024 when he published OP ED in July urges Biden to retire from politics and allow another person to take the nomination of the Democratic Party. The actor had attended the collection of donations, Biden just one month before his publication.
the Brother, where are you? Star acquired a lot of heat from Democrats and his fans for having a hand in pushing Joe Biden out and Kamala Harris mucus at the party just months before the 2024 elections.
This week, Clooney He said the New York Times The left column of the left column Mourin Dodd that a lot of error can be put in the chaotic Democrats campaign 2024 at the feet of the main media.
The actor said that the collection of donations that he attended a month before his jump from the Biden train was one of the reasons that led to the departure from Biden. At the June event, he saw a man who was unable to provide another four years.
“I saw him for hours a year ago at the Kennedy Center, and I saw a less severe person,” Clooney told Dowd. “I always loved Joe Biden, and I love him.”
But he continued to say that the media failed in the country by reporting the reporting of the deteriorating mental mentality. “The media, in many ways, dropped the ball,” Clooney shouted.
Doddi added that Clooney said that Biden “abandoned his responsibility by hiding his impotence” from the people of the country. Clooney said that the media helped this imagination.
Clooney also criticized the White House Biden for garbage messages.
“The Biden administration was terrible in explaining that we are a global economy, as we were in fact better than all other G7 countries,” the actor A-LIST claimed.
He added: “They were bad in telling the story because their Messenger was not working at the best of his best, at the very least.”
After taking a wave of criticism for being the spear summit to expel Biden from the White House, Clooney ultimately said he would remain calm about politics for a period of time. According to what was reported, he became a “scapegoat” for those angry at the huge loss of Kamala Harris in November.
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