The prolonged office work can lead to Muscle and bone problems Starting with annoying pain and pain of injuries. This month, we launched a A series of six parts It shows you how to extend your body parts and strengthen them to prepare them for marathon seating sessions in your office. We will put a new exercise routine every week, each focusing on a different area of ​​the body, and this will help to dilute Service problems office.

Last week, we published exercises for you Hands, wrists, forearms and elbows. We focus this week on the bottom of your back.

To learn more about how sitting on the body affects, and why these exercises are important, we read The first piece In the series. You can find the entire series here.

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A routine for the back in the lower back (including glut)

Lower back may be the most common field for a complaint for workers in the office. Her muscles hold you in a straight position in the same position throughout the day. But excessive use can cause stressful muscles that can become inflamed, narrow and painful. It often leads to boring pain. Short motion breaks, even for 1-2 minutes, are especially important for the back in the lower back, as they are launched tension and aid rotation.

Do these exercises to help extend and strengthen your back, including Glues. It was shown by coach Melissa Gon, from Pure Strongth La, whose team coaches office workers on how to protect their bodies through exercise.

  1. Sitting on the wall, as if it was in a chair. Align your knees on your ankles and slide as much as possible, but not the bottom of the right angle. The higher, the higher the intensity of the exercise. Fill this position for 30 seconds. Work up to 5 minutes. An increase by five or 10 seconds every few days, as it becomes easier. Do not continue if there is pain in the knees.
  1. Sit on a chair with your legs open and place it in the form of V, with a 1-2-feet ankle. Wrap the tied yoga belt or a belt around your thighs about 6 inches over your knees. Press your legs open in the tape and push for a minute and 30 seconds to strengthen the glut.
  1. Open your feet away and put the horizontal yoga mass between your thighs directly over your knees. Press your thighs together, and press the yoga block with your thighs. Hold for a minute and 30 seconds. Do not let. Is one group.
  1. Stand with feet spread, horizontally, as comfortable. Bend your right knee and drop your right thigh about 45 degrees, while the leg remains straight – so that you feel the extension in the inner thigh of the straight leg. Hold 2-3 seconds. Is 10 on each side.
  1. Sit up straight and stack your head on your shoulders and hips. Interlace The hands behind your head and press your head again directly in your non -moving hands, using your hands like the wall. Hold for 30 seconds while taking a very long breath. Ensure that your chin is parallel to the ground and your neck prolongs all the time. This is released in the lower back.

(The exercises came Dr. Joshua T. GoldmanUcla sports medicine; Melissa JohnThe pure power Los Angeles; Tom HendricxAxial physical therapy; Vanessa Martinez Kircher, Indiana Bloomington University, College of Public Health; Niko BronkHealth Partners Institute; Nikki SaciciaLight inside yoga.)


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