Cinema is often inspired by the existing materials. There is a good opportunity for your favorite movie that depends on literature, play, or even an article. In this musical type, the movie’s possibilities depend on Broadway or West End. On rare occasions, the album can provide a jumping point for a movie. This may seem strange because albums tend to lack many characters or planning, but albums were the jumping point for some classic films now. Albums, after all, are often full of pictures and live stories waiting for life to be given on the screen.
Many great artists participated in transporting their albums to the big screen. From teams such as The Beatles, Talking Heads and Who to artists, including Prince and Willi Nelson, many classic LPS treatment of cinema has been given, which turns their ideas into cinema glasses. But converting your album into a movie is not limited to the albums of concept or rock music, and it is still being done by contemporary artists. In 2021, pop star Halsusi released the movie if I had no love, I want energy in conjunction with the album of the same name. Later this year, it is scheduled to rush tomorrow as a companion for the latest Weeknd.
Since the Tommy-Rock-Rock Opera, which was written and directed by Kane Russell and starring Roger Dalter, as the world’s greatest player in the world-is 50 years old, and we celebrate some of the best separate album.
A difficult night (1964)
Director: Richard Leicester
The Beatles Trail Plaszrez was in music, but also in the cinema. A difficult night, issued on the same day as the third LPIt has proven significantly, and inspires the birth of modern music video. Directed by Richard Leicester, the movie (all plays) follows more than 36 hours as it recovered a great performance on TV. Beatlemania is in full swing, with the gang fleeing huge hordes of hysterical fans – this ends with their least problems.
To celebrate the swinging sixties and feverish energy in the loud London, a difficult night is a poem for everything that made the Beatles very immortal. Lester’s unique Lester style is an ideal match for The Beatles, John, Paul, George and Ringo are all attractive artists. Glorious, idiot, uncomfortable and overflowing with great music, a few cinematic experiences take you to a time and put like a difficult night.
The star of Jesus Christ (1973)
Director: Norman Jason

Although he was famous for the music production of the West End (which was, when it was closed, was the tallest musician in the history of West End), the Jesus Christ Superstar’s origins were an album in 1970 for Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice. The film tells a familiar story, after the life of Jesus Christ (Ted Nilly) and his disciples. But what distinguishes the star of Jesus Christ is his focus on Judah Eskurat (Karl Anderson), and his amazing sympathetic photography of the man who betrayed Jesus to the Romans.
Filming at the site in Israel and the West Bank, the trend of Norman Jason is inspired, and it acquires the unusual scale of the vast desert landscape and lending to impulses from realism to the biblical environment. This realism deliberately collides with the costumes of the seventies and groups, including the modern market sequence with a cash exchange and modern tools. It is Anderson’s wonderful performance that proves to be the driving force, and his great music number is his “star” (full with an endless margin) fascinated.
Tommy (1975)

There is nothing else like Tommy, which is the scene of the Jalam Rock by the amazingly amazing rock opera. Director Kane Russell (who also wrote the scenario) is not strange to great fluctuations and major standards, but even according to his criteria, Tommy is completely wonderful. Adapted from an album of the same name, the movie Tommy follows the movie (The Who Frontman Roger Daltrey), who suffered a painful incident as a child, leaving him “deaf, stupid, and blind”. He finds himself in an unlikely place: the world of football and professional pins.
Tommy is visually overwhelming, with amazing, more impressive production design than most contemporary films, but it is made with a small part of the budget. Anecdote from Elton John, Tina Turner and Jack Nicholson, they teach a vibrant crew. Despite all the visual taste, Tommy tells a convincing narration of the relationship that resembles worship and our fields with celebrities.
Quadophenia (1979)

At a party, Jimmy Cooper (Gorgeous Phil Daniels) and his colleagues from the Defense Ministry’s friends are dancing to Jelly. There is severe energy in the air. But although he is surrounded by joy, Jimmy looks lost. He is not connected: he can barely stand his family, not have real friends, and he does not care about his job. Based on the 1969 Oprah Rock album of the same name, Quadrophenia is an explosive view of the disappointment of British youth in the 1960s.
Overcoming a completely different cylinder from Tommy is not singing, and it has no full musical performance. But the World Health Organization is still prevalent throughout the movie, as “Quadrophenia” dominates the soundtrack. While Frank Roddam’s movie evokes a specific environment of the sixties, its notes on anxiety in adolescence and loneliness are immortal. It is an angry film but it understands, instead of condemning the rebellion, seeks to sympathize with its roots.
Pink Floyd Wall (1982)

The ghost of the painful unit in The Wall Floyd is a young boy who moves in life without his father, who died in the war. This boy grows into pink (Bob Gildov), a rock music star who has a lot of ordeal that his confrontation mechanism is to protect himself through an emotionally created mental wall.
It was directed by Alan Parker and written by guitarist Pink Floyd Roger Waters, the wall is a dark music, low in dialogue and a high on songs, as well as haunting mobile serials revolving around a permanent but effective metaphor (in one, a pigeon explodes in a black bird that turns into a hot dam). Not only the animation that affects, as the “other bricks in the wall part 2” and the fascist gathering are also effective. The wall is a confusing and often great movie about trying to understand unreasonable and fight against institutional persecution.
Purple rain (1984)
Director: Albert Magnoli

It was released slightly more than one month after the album of the same name (which spent 24 consecutive weeks at the top of the Billboard), and promotes Purple Rain with breeding rhythms and narcotic brilliance that made the album loved all over the world. Its headquarters is located in the Emir’s birthplace in Minneapolis, and the child (the prince) is followed, and he is a unique talented man but is disturbed by a group called the revolution. The child throws himself into music to escape from the misery waiting for him at home.
It is a self -star, the star of the star, if not completely bad; The child is often unpleasant to be around him, rude and rejecting his fellow artists, and often harsh on his girlfriend Apollonia (Apollonia Cotero). However, the most constant side of purple rain is the same music. The prince’s charisma is delightful, and watching him is heading to everything in his musical performance (especially the conclusion “I will die 4 u” and “My beloved I am a star”) witnesses an artist at the height of their strength.
Real stories (1986)

Virgil fictional city, Texas, is preparing to celebrate the 150th anniversary, and the cow’s shepherds whose name (David Bern) did not reveal to visit the city’s residents to find out how their lives appear. Directed by Bern and Berne, Stephen Topolovsky and Beith Henley, True Stories was released only weeks after the Talking Heads album of the same name. Through a series of short articles, we meet an unforgettable Virgil residents, including an eager preacher on conspiracy theories, a woman who will not leave her bed (Suwsi Cortz), and a artistic artistic (John Godman).
Bern’s special imagination is completely displayed in individual real stories. It is a unique exploration of American life, and explores the lives of eccentric individuals whose problems are universal. ED Lachman brings warm to an endless collection of shopping and minerals, which makes daily life feel a special invitation, while Talking Heads helps discover the depths of the human experience.
The rhythm of the nation 1814 (1989)
It was filmed at Pasadina Energy Station and around it gives the movie the post -terrible environment, Rhythm Nation 1814, based on Janet Jackson’s album of the same name, is an amazing show of the effect of the movement on the screen. There are parts and pieces of the plot that highlights two small boys who are fighting to make music. The real axis of the short film is its three full shows of “Miss You Mean” and “Knowledge”, and “The Power of the Nation” enormously, which was often filmed.
Jackson is very talented as Jackson herself, as she has a leading presence on the screen, especially when she plays a complex dance (which Jackson created with Anthony Thomas). Rhythm Nation 1814 is an electric journey, which was brought to life in sexy black and white, which emphasizes the importance of art as a protest and struggle for a better life, and how the expression can reach us there.
May God help the girl (2014)
Director: Stewart Murdoch

Eve (Emily Browning) is eager to be one of the greatest musicians, but she must first discover the complex chaos that is her life. After an extended stay in a psychiatric hospital, James (Oli Alexander), who helps her to develop her singing skill. James also studies Cassi (Hannah Murray), and the three constitute a quick friendship. To get the boring summer of Glasgow, the trio decides to be creative and form a band: God is called the girl.
Based on the 2009 album made by Scottish Indie Band Belle and Sebastian, written and directed by Stuart Murdoch for the band, God Help The Girl is a wonderful and charming poem to the pain of being teenage and joyful musical discovery. Giles Nuttgens’ Cinematography shower the movie in a warm and comfortable glow, and bright fashion highlights the best characters through unforgettable musical numbers.
Lemon juice (2016)
Managers: Beyonce Nolls Carter, Cahill Joseph, Dikayel Rimassh, Tod Torso, Jonas Okrlwand, Melina Matsukas and Marc Romans

On the surface, BeyonCé’s Lemonade, as the album of the same name, is about betraying a woman’s treatment in her marriage. But it is barely similar: instead, it is a vibrant celebration of flexibility and joy for black femininity. Beyonce’s music pushes the procedure forward, but its creative and guest pictures are what makes the lemon juice feel very huge. It corresponds to a preserved manner in black and white cinematography and colors, and refers to black black artists, including dust films girls in Julie Dash in 1991.
In lemon juice, Beyonce plays the role of heroism, and exudes all of God -like power and deep human weakness. The film plays with gender, formulating imagination and stories, imagination and sequence dreams, horror, romance and comedy. It also includes a veil from Serena Williams, Amanla Steinberg, Zendaya, Queenzan Walis. Lemonade was divided into 11 chapters (including “denial”, “indifference” and “anger”), a convincing piece of Arthouse cinema, which is uncompromising from one of the world’s pop artists.